Our Jubilee Raffle tickets are available for purchase after each Mass, or you may pick up or purchase tickets at the parish office 8am -3pm Monday - Friday. Our goal is to reach $40,000 in ticket sales to reduce the parish debt. We thank you for supporting Immaculate Conception Church by selling and purchasing raffle tickets. For more information, please visit our event page here: https://iccmarrero.org/immaculate-conception-jubilee-raffle
Thursday Evening Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament takes placed in church after the 6 p.m. Mass until midnight. You are invited to spend any amount of time with our Eucharistic Lord during those hours.
Join Father Stephen Leake on a pilgrimage to Guadalupe October 1- 7, 2025. More information and registration can be found here.
Members are needed for our floor cleaning teams. We would ideally like to have 3 teams of 3-4 people. Floors are swept and mopped 3 Fridays a week (all Fridays except First Friday). Buffing is done the 2nd Friday of each month. With 3 teams, each team would only have to serve 2 times a month. Interested parishioners are welcome to show up on Fridays (except First Friday) between 7:30am and 9am to ask questions of the current team members and to understand what is involved with participating in this ministry.